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Lyme’s Disease : badly diagnosed, and badly treated

Article paru dans le journal nº 14

Few people are really careful about Lyme’s Disease. Those who know it exists think that this disorder is not widespread because it is an infection which is passed on mainly by a tick bite. So those who have never been bitten should not be affected. But the disease is much more common than one would think. Explanations :

In the northern hemisphere, the WHO counts 85,000 new cases each year. In France, we know that the disease is in strong expansion, and it could easily make more victims in the coming months because of the warm temperatures this winter. So, one could think that the damages caused by this disease are much greater than the official numbers would lead us to believe, because it is so difficult to diagnose.

A mess of diagnostic errors

Doctors don’t know Lyme’s Disease very well (it comes from a spiral shaped bacterial called Borrelia, which contaminates the ticks). To establish their diagnosis, they usually draw from their observations of the first symptoms and confirm their first impression by asking the patient if they had been bitten by a tick. Then they further confirm it by doing a serologic analysis. When there is neither a bite nor erythema and nothing visible on the serologic analysis, the doctor concludes that it isn’t Lyme’s Disease. But all this is largely insufficient, because:

The most talked about symptom, the famous migrating erythema (discussed below) is not an obligatory sign: in many cases, there is no reaction on the place of the bite.
It isn’t always easy to notice the presence of the tick, and it can “drop off” through the rubbing of clothes after having transmitted the sickness to the host.
Lyme’s Disease is certainly transmitted by other means than the ticks (mosquitoes, spiders, chiggers, and various mites).

It can also be transmitted through the placenta (between mother and baby).

The clues which could reveal the disease don’t necessarily appear just after the bite. They could arise a long time (up to twenty of thirty years) later, often on the occasion of a weakness of the immune system, of the carrier of borreliae.
Even with some people who have done the Elisa or Western Blot blood tests and got a negative result (thus ruling out Lyme’s Disease), characteristic symptoms remain or appear, despite the preliminary antibiotic treatments. This leaves us to think that the tests are not 100% trustworthy, which, by the way, is also what most of specialists on the disease think.

Contamination by transfusion

Although it is striking to notice the lightning increase of the cases of borrelia, nobody wonders about the reasons of this increase. The proliferation of ticks cannot be the only factor to take into account. It is highly probable that numerous volunteer blood donors do not know that they are infected with the borrelia. At the moment, the donors’ blood is not checked for traces of the borrelia. During blood transfusions, the disease is surely transmitted to the receivers who have never seen a tick in their lives. The health authorities have already been alerted to this significant risk but, for the moment, no preventive measures have been taken. And it is possible that, sooner or later, we will be talking about a new scandal of contaminated blood.

Antibiotics are still inefficient…

In classic medicine, one treats Lyme’s Disease with antibiotics. But this method rarely succeeds. Why? The explanation appeared in a study which showed that the borreliae are capable of ‘hiding’ in the red corpuscles among other specialized cells.
As the varied and successive antibiotic treatments only give, in most cases, incomplete results, one could put forward the hypothesis that the antibiotic attack provokes the movement of the borreliae to cells where they are protected from it, even if it means invading the body again later. This could also explain why certain serological analyses came up falsely negative especially after a first round of antibiotics.

…and anti-inflammatory drugs as well

Anyone who suffers from borrelia without knowing it describes diverse pains to their doctor (pain in the joints, muscles, digestion…) which move, and which the doctor logically treats with anti-inflammatory drugs. According to the latest observations, the administration of this medicine provokes the encystment of the borreliae. They seek refuge in a shell which protects them from all aggression (it would be necessary to administer a dose of tetracycline equivalent to four times the lethal dose for a man if one wanted to use this method).

A series of incapacitating symptoms

Officially, the disease evolves in two steps.

Where the bite is there appears, at first, a red mark, round and rash-like, which is accompanied by symptoms evocative of the flu (shivers, fever, headache, or again, joint pains). If the borreliae are not eradicated, the disease continues and develops by a kind of arthritis (often in the knees), by neurological signs (numbness, night-time pain that inhibits sleep, paralysis of facial muscles or of members). Then come the complications: meningitis, irregular heart rhythms, and hepatitis or eye problems. Some 40% of contaminated patients suffer for a long time from behavioural problems. But the list is far from over. The borrelia is, in fact, nicknamed by certain specialists “the grand imitator.” It is capable of producing different proteins similar to those of the human body. The flagella of the bacteria are composed, for example, of the same protein as the myelin sheath which surrounds the nerves. So the presence of borreliae in the body could bring about many kinds of auto-immune reactions and a certain number of diagnoses could be connected in this way to the disease. Most especially, they are fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, Bechterew's disease (ankylosing spondylitis), rheumatoid arthritis, sometimes multiple sclerosis, hypertension, unexplained extrasystoles, diverse dermatosis, nervous dyspepsia, unexplained migraines…

Natural treatment

The standard medicine having no other solutions to offer except antibiotics (whose efficiency is highly relative) the patients who still have symptoms after treatment and who have a negative serological test, are oriented nowadays, for want of anything better, towards other kinds of therapies (neurological, psychiatric or psychological).

However, Lyme’s Disease is definitely there and it can be treated with a remedy baptised Tic-Tox, available in Germany. This remedy composed of extracts of propolis and of different essential oils with antibacterial effects (savory, cloves) antiseptics and an anti-inflammatory (wild camomile) was elaborated by Bernard Christophe, a pharmacist who specialized in phyto-aromatherapy, for an immediate local treatment after a tick bite. After several tries, its employment was validated for internal use in a curative treatment.

As a precautionary measure.

If a tick is attached, apply 1 to 2 drops of Tic-Tox directly on the tick. After two minutes, it will be dead, and one can pull it out with tweezers. Then apply a cotton ball soaked with Tic-Tox on the point of the bite. Change it three times in 24 hours. This allows one to kill the borreliaes which could have possibly been transmitted, as the essential oils have the ability of passing through the cutaneous layer.

As a curative measure.

Tic-Tox: 5 drops diluted in a glass of water, taken three times a day during of at the end of meals (for three months, minimum).

The Tic-Tox can be accompanied by a remedy which diminishes acidosis (Citrabase) which facilitates the development of the borreliaes, and two of the most used remedies of phytotherapy today for the treatment of this ailment :
- Uncaria tomentosa (cat’s claw, or uno de gato, used in the United States)
- And Fuller’s Teasel (used in Germany).

Up until the present, according to the therapists who have had the occasion to experiment with the treatment of Tic-Tox, there would be about 99% positive results, the other residual symptoms proving to be solely from the neurological after-effects (due for the most part to the lateness of the diagnosis) or from another cause to be determined (look above).

Caution : when the treatment is taken, the symptoms can increase during the first eight days. The aggravation can continue for up to three weeks in some cases. This is not worrisome, actually quite the contrary.
It is necessary to note as well that in certain serious cases (phase III and phase IV) the treatment is incapable of getting rid of all the symptoms among them the residual symptoms due to the neurological after-effects produced by the borreliaes before the treatment.

Self diagnosis

The Symptoms which should alert you

There are no two victims of Lyme’s Disease who have identical symptoms. That is where the difficulty of making a diagnosis comes from. Bernard Christophe, the inventor of Tic-Tox (see article), established, for this reason, a list of about fifty symptoms which could aid in detecting the disease if the doctor treating them has not found another cause. The list would be too long to reproduce here, but the principle symptoms are:

  • Migrating erythema (not always evident because it is relatively transient).
  • Fever, sweating, moments of overheating.
  • Fatigue, exhaustion, lack of endurance.
  • Difficult digestion, heartburn, constipation, diarrhoea.
  • Tingling, swelling, burning sensation (feet, hands…)
  • Muscle pain and cramps.
  • Heart palpitations, extrasystoles, irregularities of the heart rhythm.
  • Pain and/or inflammation of the joints (arthritis…)
  • Head pains (nape of the neck, jaw, eye, ear…).
  • Important head aches.
  • Tics or nervous movements.
  • Short term memory loss, oversights.
  • Depression, irritability, drastic mood shifts.
  • Trouble sleeping.
  • Reinforcement of the effects of alcohol.


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